An Aunt’s Sanity

I have a kid. Kyle. He is not my biological child. Alas, he is in my care and his mother is not in the picture along with his father. So I became Mama by default.

I love Kyle to no end and after his twin brother’s death, if anything hurts him it dies by my bare hands. That being said…There is a reason all mothers are bat shit crazy. They love their children and think they are the best and would do anything for them and want no harm to come to them… at the same time you want to ring their little necks.

No do not play with that… do not eat that… let me dig the cockroach you found and are trying to eat from your mouth…EEW. You just peed all over me. You just puked on my favourite shirt. You pooped literally five minutes ago,I changed you, you pooped again and got it EVERYWHERE! How did you get poop on your eyebrows?!

Screaming for hours and no matter what you do… feeding… playtime… TV… nap-time… he will not stop. Nothing will work. I wonder if a ball gag should be used on a baby… And then he smiles. He giggles. I can not help but giggle with him. Instant forgiveness for driving me to the brink of sanity.

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